Identify "FAKE ACCOUNTS" on FACEBOOK Using Google Images.

Now a days, Facebook accounts are rapidly increasing on Facebook and the only reason for that some people will try to dupe Facebook users for reasons of their own, from having a bit of fun, to duping for its own sake, right through to grooming people online or seeking to behave fraudulently. For your own sake, knowing how to spot a fake Facebook account is an important part of keeping safe online and remaining distant from people you don't know.

So, the question arise "How to Identify that Fake Facebook Account ??

Here's the solution anyone can detect the Facebook fake account just by following these simple steps.

Log in to your Facebook account and visit the profile you want to detect for fake.

Click on the profile picture and copy the image link (By right clicking and selecting "copy image URL").

Now continue by visiting Google Images.

The screen will be displayed as shown below.

Now click on the symbol shown in the screenshot:

And paste the image URL (selecting "Paste Image URL"). And Enter.

If the results displayed about that image with many links and images(shown below) than its a fake account. 


1. Look for photos in the profile.If there is only one photo of the individual in the whole profile it makes it quite clear that the account is fake.

2. Look for status updates,wall posts and comments.If the user hasn’t updated a status for quite a long time and hasn’t been involved in any wall posting or commenting of other statuses,it means that the profile is likely to be fake.

3. Look at the recent activities.If it is that the user has just been adding randomers and making new friends,and that there are no pages liked or groups joined,it suggests that the user is determined in jst adding people and hence the profile is fake.

4. Check out the friend list.If found that maximum of the friends are of the opposite gender,it can be assumed that the profile is used either for fun or for random dating.

5. Check the info.If found that there is no ideal links given regarding school or education institutions or workplace and that the user is looking for dating and interested in both men and women,it shows signs of fakeness.

6. Check the birthdate.Birth dates like 1/1/XX…..or……31/12/XX are common between fake accounts as it is quite unique and easy to type in.

7. Fake profiles of girls usually have a contact no. in their info. Lets face it,girls harldy will have their contact no. in public.So watch out if the user exposes info that is unlikely for general users to unveil in public.

8. Look out for recent wall posts, if u see loads of people asking…’THANKS FOR THE ADD….DO I KNOW YOU’……and yet the posts remains unanswered…it is bound to be a fake one.

9. Look for common tarits used in Facebook,like.using applications such as farmville,pet society etc….and adding siblings.If these traits are not found among the user, the profile is highly inactive or fake.This point can’t single handedly prove the fakeness,however this will be a supporting clue along with other points.

10. If you are quite certain about the profile’s fakeness,and want to be absolutely sure, try browsing google for some random profile pictues. Fake profile pictures are usually selected frm google and while browsing through it,you might as well come upon the picture the user chose for the fake account. 

So that's it, if have any problem feel free to inform in comments.


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